November 20, 2008

I'm a bag freak.....

Unfortunately, as you can tell, the colors don't really vary. The red one was purchased solely because it was £3. I like it though. :-) I've given 2 or 3 bags to my mother, and a few away to family members who visited. So, I'm sure my total would have been a lot higher then this. I've also sold some on ebay. Every little bit helps!




Other than photographing my bag collection I've been redecorating my home. Last friday my mother was vacumming and the rest of us were cleaning. I thought it would be nice to take the table and chairs from the large hallway like thing, and put it into the living room. We'd be more likely to eat at the table that way. We wouldn't have to pull the table away from the wall whenever we needed to use it.

After I figured out how to fit it into the living room and put my bookcase and armchair where the table was (now a small library), I had another brain storm. Let's all switch rooms! I put my mother in my old room, the boys in her old room and I took the boys old room that also has an ensuite bathroom. It annoyed the heck outta me that they never used it. :-) Why walk from your bedroom which is right next to a bathroom, go down the hall and use the bathroom there?! lol

I cleaned out the closets, reorganized my sisters many belongings, took apart beds just to put them back together a few mins. later and so on. I did most on my own as my mother can't lift much and neither can Gemaine with his broken collarbone. Started early afternoon, ended around 1:30 am. lol My mother said all she wanted to do was vacuum! lol My impulses are somethin else! ;-) My poor back was killing me, but I dont regret it at all. I am still fixing and moving things around a bit, but it's pretty much finished.

Oh and guess what!?


Now I know what Keivy was doing when I caught him with a pair of scissors and paper on my bed. This is my new blankie! I could have cried, but instead I just fixed it.


Good as new! :-)

Off to bed now, too tired to think or really blog properly. -) Nighty night!

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